Friday, December 18, 2009

The Breastroke II release date POSTPONED

There has been another update on COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS' website.

* 「The Breastroke II」の発売延期のお知らせ


According to our COTD FAN translator, Nana, she said:

"Well, it seems... The Breastroke II release date will be canceled. It won't be this 23rd December, but 13rd January... Next year"

LUCKY FOR ME... because I had to cancel my pre-order since I am running out of money to spend... >_>;

COTD FANS, look out for JANUARY 13TH!

Happy holidays!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

No DVDs?!


There seems to be a bit of a problem with pre-ordering The Breastroke II including the DVD.
HMV and CDJapan only provide the standard edition.
Why? I don't know... SO I e-mailed COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS' manager, Kozo Kurata.

My e-mail:


How can overseas fans purchase your The Breastroke II album WITH the DVD?
HMV and CDJapan have The Breastroke II on pre-order, but they do not include the DVD.
How can we get the edition with the DVD?

Thank you!

- HT

His reply:

Because DVD is enclosed to for first time production entirely, I think that I
do not have any problem if even HMV and CDJapan purchase a first time
share and follow it.


Honestly, I don't understand what he meant by that...
I'm going to ask one of the COTD FAN staff members to e-mail him in Japanese.